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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Halloween Potion Bottles DIY

Admittedly, I found this idea on "pinterest"...so naturally I stole the idea and am now blogging about it.

How to make "Potion Bottles" from thrift store bottles and $.96 flat black spray paint.
Cheap cheap cheap project and it looks really cool.

Here we go....I bought 4 bottles...they were 99 cents a pop...which is kinda pricey, but they are neat so I splurged. I also braved the vastness of Walmart to get some cheap spray paint...so this project cost $5.

 I also found some wooden picture frames that I thought I'd jazz up with some black too. I swear spray painting thrift store items is probably one of the best things in the world. Spray paint will fix anything.

This poor old picnic table has become my spray paint station. If you don't have a junky picnic table in your backyard, I recommend buying a "spray paint" tarp or just use newspaper. 

Loving these bottles so much. 

Here they are...all corked up and potion-y.

I used corks that I have stock piled at home. If you don't have any corks, start drinking wine I guess? For the larger bottle mouths, I used champagne corks.

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