ButterMyBiscuits Etsy Shop

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Cards for Sale!


Oh, I wanna buy some cards......buttermybiscuits.etsy.com


So I'm going to start offering more "Card Packs"...here's some that I am working on for you.

3 Pack of Western Themed Thank You Cards



Here's a 5 pack of Fabric Collage Thank You cards with a variety of prints and patterns. Several of these circles came from vintage scarves that I just loooooove.Simply click on the title to head to my shop and snatch these up!




4 Pack of Little Birdy Thank You Cards

I made these using an old children's book and some vintage-y lined notebook paper. I just love these little birdy cards. Available for purchase on etsy, just click the title above to go to my etsy shop.




Here's some more thank you's that haven't made their debut on etsy yet! If you want to purchase them, go to: buttermybiscuits.etsy.com to create a custom order!






june 21 new banner

Well hello friends...I have finally opened an etsy shop like I always wanted to do! I'm mostly selling handmade cards..but I've thrown in some handmade hair accessories and I might branch out into some other items later. But for now, I'm loving making bookoos of cards. My inventory has skyrocketed this summer...which is partly why it's taken me so long to post about this on here!

hand drawn butter pic

Anyways, I'll try to keep this updated with new cards and works in progress. I may even post some coupon codes on here for you guys.


Check me out on etsy and facebook!




Here's some new July cards....

