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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Too Many Links…

Here’s some helpful websites I’ve been using to try and title paintings and drawings.


This is a really fun title generator. Simply “mad libs style” add words associated with your work and it generates 10 possible titles. I don’t know about you, but I have a really hard time titling…so this helps.

Below is an example of you’ll get:

Title One: ample tubes round careless scrums
Title Two: the careless your
Title Three: the work round ample tubes

Title One: constant lines toward crowded pulse
Title Two: my crowded moft
Title Three: my pink toward constant lines


How to find contemporary artists:


I just started clicking on the names to see their work. Found a lot of good things.



One of my favorite artists….and a really nice guy. I emailed him one time telling him how much his work had influenced me and he emailed me back and sent me a catalog of his retrospective.



One of my favorite new painters. I love this woman. Her work make me feel justified in everything I do. What a great feeling.

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