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Monday, January 11, 2016

Sweet Potato and Spinach Fritatta

So I added some orange to my low-carb breakfast this morning with some roasted sweet potatoes. Ever since getting hooked on the show "Chopped", I have started repurposing cooked items more than usual. So I cut up some leftover roasted sweet taters and added them to my morning "omelett". 
Low-Carb Sweet Potato and Spinach Frittata 
Approximately 15 carbs total...so 4 carbs a serving, makes 4 servings 


1/4 leftover sweet potato
1/2 cup fresh spinach
1/4 cup breakfast sausage (Tennessee Pride is the only sausage you should ever buy)
1/4 cup diced onion
4 eggs
1/2 cup soy milk
Salt/pepper/garlic powder to taste 
1/2 cup shredded cheddar on top

Like always, I start this by browning and "scrambling" the sausage on med/high heat. Then I add my onions and veggies. Finally I pour on the egg and milk mixture evenly as possible. Top with cheese and cover to cook thoroughly. Turn the heat down real low just before adding the eggs.

Lovely colors. 

This takes about 15 minutes and it's a one pan breakfast which is perfect for me since I'm holding a baby.

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